Short news
- GSQL has been included to the Debian Unstable. It also means that the project should be included to the next Ubuntu's release 11.04
- Added the Firebird engine in trunk (screenshot)
mar 25, 2010
Release 0.2.2
The « laty » release.
This release comes with an initial version of PostgreSQL engine and this is a significant step forward in the development of the project.
Whats new:
- PostgreSQL support (experimental)
- Plugin Tunnel (libssh 0.4.* is required)
- Fix some typos and GUI stuff (#25 and #29)
- Fix oracle crashed on deleting variables (#23)
- Added port number to MySQL and PGSQL login dialog (#21)
- Fix mysql crashed with invalid query (#30)
Jul 19, 2009
Why I'm not using libgda/ODBC/
I was constantly asked about not using ODBC. If my project is point at GNOME desktop integration, I'll not use the exist library (libgda) to the database accesss (libgda is the part of the GNOMEDB project). To answer this questions please read this wiki page
Jun 14, 2009
New logo!
A few days ago i asked my friends ( for drawing a new logo. So... Konstantin Rotkevich has done it. How do you find it? I think it is perfect!
Dec 23, 2008
Version 0.2.1 released In this release we fixed some bugs:
- Issue 7 (oracle-engine: SIGSEGV with TIMESTAMP data type)
- Issue 10 (restoring the window state after restart is fixed now)
- Issue 6 (mysql-engine: case sensitive on the database object names)
- Issue 17 (fix FreeBSD build)
- oracle-engine: scanning of tnsnames.ora - you can select alias name from the drop-down list, or simply start typing the name of an alias and get suggested autocompletion.
- option to switch window to fullscreen mode
- the logon window now includes action by default. you do not have to aim to click "OK", just press Enter.
Nov 29, 2008
Announcing the first public release of project GSQL version 0.2.0 GSQL is an integrated database development environment for GNOME. It is designed to support multiple database engines, so far MySQL and Oracle are supported. This release introduces:
- SQL editor
- PL /SQL editor (in triggers, functions, procedures and packages)
accessible in Oracle engine.
- tree-like database object navigation
- using standard notification service for pop up messages. E. g.
in case of inactivity user will be notified on query completion
- create and connect to a duplicate session with parameters copied
from the active session, all in one click
- configuration improved. It is now possible to tune GSQL look,
customize editor and set up the settings of DBMS engine, e.g.
set custom environment variables to access Oracle
- new plugins:
Terminal - opens a terminal session with parameters (such as login, password etc) taken from the active session
Exporter - exports query results to a CVS file. So far only fetched records could be exported
Runner - periodically executes SQL queries.
- MySQL engine:
- MySQL server version 5 and higher is required. GSQL relies on information_schema, which was introduced in version 5.0
- you can not cancel a running query as easy as in Oracle due to API limitations. You can always open a terminal session and cancel the query with “KILL QUERY”
- Oracle:
- this version was tested with Oracle version Should you experience any troubles with different Oracle versions please report to GSQL authors
- it is not recommended to use oracle-xe-client from repository, there are known issues with NLS with this client.